For lawyers, document drafting is a demanding and time-intensive part of the job. The constant pressure for high-quality legal documents in short time frames, especially for a high-volume practice, can be overwhelming. Fortunately, modern attorneys have access to a new way of dealing with this pressure that past generations did not: Word add-ins that assist lawyers with document drafting.
4 Ways Your Manual Document Creation and Collaboration Process Hurts Your Firm
When you need to draft a new contract or legal document, do you open up a template and then manually update all the merge fields with client information?
And when you need to collaborate on that document with clients and/or counter parties, are you still emailing it back and forth? Discover the four ways manual drafting is costing your firm time and money.
4 Ways Smart Templates Create a Competitive Advantage for Your Practice
Manually producing paperwork is not only inefficient and error-prone—it prevents your firm from competing in the evolving legal marketplace. Whether you invest in a comprehensive document management system or opt for low-cost solution like Woodpecker, there are numerous reasons to standardize your legal documents with smart templates.
Striking Success and Maintaining Sanity as a Solo Legal Practitioner
Maintaining a law practice as a solo practitioner can be challenging. These simple steps will help you achieve professional success while maintaining personal happiness.
How to Create Your First Woodpecker Document
Turning any Word document into a Woodpecker template is super easy! Check out this quick start guide to get up and running in five minutes.
5 Brilliant Ways to Create Better Status Reports in Microsoft Word
There’s something eternally frustrating about non-standard, customer-facing documents in an organization—especially when you’re the one that has to deal with the confusion first hand.